Acting Class is for Actors…and EVERYONE ELSE. 

It is commonly known that a wide array of people have a deep, overwhelming fear of public speaking. The very thought of standing in front of an audience feels deadly impossible. The stage, the camera, microphones, spotlights, and lecterns represent extreme danger and unimaginable risk. And yet, much of our daily routine involves playing certain roles in order to navigate our lives through unplanned, risky, complicated, spontaneous events while seeking (hoping!) to successfully survive the choices we make.

William Shakespeare understood these various roles we all play, as conveyed by Jaques in Act 2, Scene 7 of As You Like It

All the world’s a stage,

And all the men and women merely players;

They have their exits and their entrances;

There is comfort in these roles. That familiarity feels safe. However, there is more to be found beyond the boundaries of “safety”. There is more to be discovered. And the place to find it is in…an acting class. 

Acting classes offer numerous benefits beyond simply learning how to act. Classes can improve our communication skills, boost our confidence, enhance our creativity, allow us space to foster empathy and understanding for others, sharpen our observation skills, promote teamwork, and provide a supportive environment for personal growth and expression.

In terms of personal development, what more can any of us want?!

Beyond actors, who else can benefit from an acting class? Everyone. Below is a breakdown of a segment of our population that most of us into at least once if not twice or more. I invite you to discover and then consider what awaits you and how acting classes can help you achieve this. 

Professionals & Business Leaders

Acting classes can be highly beneficial for business leaders and individuals in the workplace setting. Acting classes help improve communication abilities, enhance presentation skills, foster empathy and understanding in negotiations and conflict resolution, promote effective teamwork and collaboration, refine public speaking skills, and cultivate creative problem-solving abilities. Additionally, classes provide a safe space to practice and receive constructive feedback, which is invaluable for professional growth and development in any workplace context.

Teams & Team Collaboration

As leaders utilize the acting skills to lead effectively. The assortment of participants on any given team also have much to gain from what acting classes can offer including improving collaboration and team building skills. Through shared experiences like group activities, exercises, and performances, individuals develop a sense of camaraderie and unity. Effective communication is emphasized, which teaches individuals to express themselves clearly, as well as listen attentively. Active listening is vital for collaboration in any setting. In a supportive environment, participants feel comfortable taking risks and being vulnerable, fostering trust and support among peers. Challenges inherent in acting, such as memorization and improvisation, encourage problem-solving and creative thinking as a team. Feedback and reflection from instructors and peers promote self-awareness and growth, while the empathy cultivated by stepping into different characters' shoes enhances understanding and teamwork. Acting classes provide a dynamic environment for developing essential collaboration skills applicable in personal and professional contexts.


Educators already spend much of their time speaking and teaching in a presentation role. Even so, there are significant benefits teachers and educators can draw from an acting class - such as improving their communication skills, improving their classroom management techniques, developing empathy and understanding towards students, refining presentation and storytelling abilities, fostering creativity in lesson planning and delivery, and promoting effective collaboration with colleagues. Additionally, participating in acting classes can provide teachers with new perspectives on teaching methods and approaches, ultimately enhancing their effectiveness in the classroom and enriching the learning experience for their students. Plus, there is therapeutic wellness gained through the process of taking the time to simply create. 


Even parents can benefit from participating in an acting class - from enhancing their emotional intelligence to fostering deeper connections with their children, enriching their parenting journey. Acting class enhances communication skills by focusing on vocal projection, body language, and emotional expression, enabling parents to communicate effectively with their children and understand their cues better. Secondly, by stepping into different characters' shoes, parents develop empathy and gain insight into their child's thoughts and feelings, encouraging a more supportive and understanding parenting approach. Additionally, acting classes promote creative problem-solving, stress relief, and self-care, providing parents with a creative outlet to recharge and find innovative solutions to parenting challenges. Moreover, these classes cultivate confidence and self-esteem in a supportive environment, empowering parents in their roles. Similarly, there is also therapeutic wellness gained by simply taking time to focus on oneself, in a way that enriches and affirms the parent - beyond their role as parent. The flight attendance adage stands true - put your oxygen mask on first before you put your child’s on. By establishing time for self-care, parents gain insight and development into how to care for their children better!

Actors | Aspiring & Already Inspired

Wait, an acting class that benefits actors?! What’s the catch? It’s possible we should have led with the section. However, the object of this article was to convey ALL the other areas of life that are equally impacted by the skills gained in acting class.

Actors already know the value in continuing their education. Like all the other art-forms where one never arrives at mastery, actors participate in classes and workshops in order to continue developing the skills necessary to authentically and honestly deliver the creative work required from them. Acting classes provide a structured environment for learning and reviewing the fundamentals of acting, including vocal projection, body language, and emotional expression. They also offer a supportive community where individuals can explore their creativity, develop their confidence in a safe space, and receive valuable feedback from instructors and peers, allowing those new and more experienced to the art-form to refine their skills and grow as performers. 

Whether an actor, parent, educator, professional, leader, or simply an average human, consider how the benefits of taking an acting class might impact you.

Joining one as an individual, or or even as a group, is an excellent way to discover and develop one's talent while also gaining valuable life skills that are useful on all the world’s various stages! 

Steven Paul

Steve is the Program Director of the 402 Acting Academy as well as an active instructor of acting, improvisation, and communication education. 25 years of experience as an improvisational actor helped developed a new unique framework through which connection in improvisation, acting, and general communication skills can be taught. Equipping others with opportunities to enhance their listening, empathy, confidence, self-awareness, and communication skills is a primary motivator for the work Steve is focused on.


Are Acting Classes Worth It?


The Power of Learning