Are Acting Classes Worth It?
Nicole Callahan Nicole Callahan

Are Acting Classes Worth It?

When beginning the journey to become an actor the options and opportunities seem overwhelming and the advice is varied and often contradictory. One question I encounter from actors is,

Are acting classes worth it?

Being an actor and an acting coach you’d expect my response to be a resounding “YES!” So you might be surprised then to hear that my answer is actually, “sometimes.”…

In every market, large and small, there seems to be no shortage of places to enroll in to train as an actor. Couple that with the internet and the choices are endless. Actors should be honest with themselves in exploring the many opportunities available to them by answering a few questions.

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Acting Class is for Actors…and EVERYONE ELSE. 
Steven Paul Steven Paul

Acting Class is for Actors…and EVERYONE ELSE. 

It is commonly known that a wide array of people have a deep, overwhelming fear of public speaking. The very thought of standing in front of an audience feels deadly impossible. The stage, the camera, microphones, spotlights, and lecterns represent extreme danger and unimaginable risk. And yet, much of our daily routine involves playing certain roles in order to navigate our lives through unplanned, risky, complicated, spontaneous events while seeking (hoping!) to successfully survive the choices we make.

William Shakespeare understood these various roles we all play, as conveyed by Jaques in Act 2, Scene 7 of As You Like It:

All the world’s a stage,

And all the men and women merely players;

They have their exits and their entrances;

There is comfort in these roles. That familiarity feels safe. However, there is more to be found beyond the boundaries of “safety”. There is more to be discovered. And the place to find it is in…an acting class.

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The Power of Learning
Steve Hydeen Steve Hydeen

The Power of Learning

In a world that is constantly evolving, the ability to learn and adapt has become more critical than ever. Learning how to do something goes beyond acquiring mere knowledge – it's a journey of personal and professional growth that opens doors to endless possibilities. Let's explore why learning is so important and how it can positively impact various aspects of our lives.

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News & Updates Steve Hydeen News & Updates Steve Hydeen


I am a fan of quotes. If you follow the 402 Acting Academy on Instagram, and have liked our Facebook page, you likely already know that quotes are a resource we use to connect with our students, as well as our supporters. (If you are not following us on Instagram and Facebook please consider this my personal invitation to do so!)

What is enthralling about quotes is the idea of gleaning insight from the wisdom of others who have already experienced or achieved the “thing” we are seeking. It is a powerful gift to learn about failure, mistakes, grit, determination, practice, perspective, and motivation from others.

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402 Acting Academy Update: January 2022
News & Updates Steve Hydeen News & Updates Steve Hydeen

402 Acting Academy Update: January 2022

I am a fan of quotes. If you follow the 402 Acting Academy on Instagram, and have liked our Facebook page, you likely already know that quotes are a resource we use to connect with our students, as well as our supporters. (If you are not following us on Instagram and Facebook please consider this my personal invitation to do so!)

What is enthralling about quotes is the idea of gleaning insight from the wisdom of others who have already experienced or achieved the “thing” we are seeking. It is a powerful gift to learn about failure, mistakes, grit, determination, practice, perspective, and motivation from others.

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402 Acting Academy Update: FALL 2021
Steve Hydeen Steve Hydeen

402 Acting Academy Update: FALL 2021

The 402 Acting Academy continues to blossom into a program the 402 Arts Collective, and it’s supportive community, can be proud of. Over the past three months, a great deal of effort was conducted to create and launch our instructional services. With a sharp focus on our mission, to provide guidance for the journey of stage, screen, and life, as well as a commitment to ingraining our core values (Affirm, Trust, Listen, Create) into who we are, the 402 Acting Academy is excited to share these important updates:

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